Sweet Thorn or Common Acacia or Karoo Thorn or Cape gum or Cockspur Thorn * Soetdoring * Vachellia Karroo
By JMK - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45347394
It is a shrub or small to medium-sized tree which grows to a height of 12m where water is plentiful. The leaves are finely textured and dark green. The abundant yellow flowers appear in early summer, or after good rains.
Common names by http://treesa.org/vachellia-karroo-2/
- (Afrikaans) Fyndoring, Kaapse Doringboom, Doringboom, Karoodoring, Karoo-doring, Karoodoringboom, Khoeboom, Khoedoring, Mimosadoring, Mimosadoringboom, Nataldoring, Pendoring, Rivierdoring, Sambreeldoring, Soetdoring, Soetdoringboom, Suurdoring, Swartdoring, Witdoring, Witdoringboom.
- (English) Cape Gum, Cape Mimosa, Cape Thorn Tree, Cape Thorn-tree, Gum-arabic Tree, Karoo Mimosa, Karoo Thorn, Mimosa, Mimosa Thorn, Sweet Thorn, Umbrella Thorn, White-thorn, Whitethorn.
(*) https://pza.sanbi.org/vachellia-karroo