African Yellow Bat or Yellow House Bat or Dingan's Bat * Geel Dakvlermuis * Scotophilus Dinganii

The African yellow bat is a medium sized, rather attractive bat with a dog-like snout. This species lives in savanna habitat, and it can be found near human habitation, where it roosts in houses. It may roost singly or in small colonies. African yellow bats show a strong faithfulness to roost sites.
By Susan Ellis, , - The Bugwood Network at the University of Georgia and the USDA Forest Service., CC BY 3.0 us,
African yellow bats rest during the day in hollows and cracks of large trees, their colonies rarely consisted of more than 12 individuals. Roosts are often situated in secluded spots in cracks in walls and roofs and as a result they have become frequent in suburbia. The roosts are normally very quiet and any households who host them are usually blissfully unaware of its presence. They do not normally fly out of the roost until total darkness.
