How to search for creatures

Searching for Mammals
Land Mammals
Search by provided categories on the main page, or you can type in a collective name, either in English or Afrikaans in the Search Bar. Use the normal alphabet character if there are any special characters in the name. See list of
Endangered Land & Sea, Meat eating, Insect eating, Plant eating, Nocturnal or Rodents.

Seal (Rob), Whale (Walvis), Dolphin (Dolfyn), Dugong

Searching for Reptiles
Search by provided categories on the main page, or you can type in a collective name, either in English or Afrikaans in the Search Bar. Use the normal alphabet character if there are any special characters in the name. See list of venomous and non-venomous snakes.

Searching for Birds in Southern Africa - WIP
Search by provided categories on the main page, or you can type in a collective name, either in English or Afrikaans in the Search Bar. Use the normal alphabet character if there are any special characters in the name. List of endangered birds, birds of prey, sea birds, wetland birds, tree birdsveld birds, invasive birds and top videos.

To search for a specific bird for which you know the species or Roberts number, in the search bar type in "S459" etc.

English groups: A ApalisB Babbler, BatisBarbet, Bee-eater, BishopBittern, BoubouBroadbillBulbul, BuntingBustard, Buzzard, C CamaropteraCanaryChat, Cisticola, Coot, CoucalCourser, Cormorant, Crake, CraneCuckoo, Crow, Curlew, D Dove, Dikkop, Drongo, Duck, E Eagle, Egret, Eremomela F Falcon, Finch, Finfoot, FirefinchFiscalFlamingo, FlufftailFlycatcher, Francolin, Frigatebird G Goose, GodwitGoshawk, Grebe, Guineafowl, Gull, H Hamerkop, Harrier, Heron, Hoopoe, HoneyguideHornbill, Hyliota I Ibis, Indigobird J Jacana, K Kestrel, Korhaan, Kingfisher, Kite, L Lapwing, Lark, Loerie, LongclawLovebird, M MannikinMartin, Moorhen, Mousebird, N NicatorNightingaleNightjar, O Ostrich, Oriole, Owl, Oxpecker, Oystercatcher P ParrotPeacockPelican, Penduline-TitPenguin, PhalaropePigeonPipit, PittaPlover, Pratincole, PriniaPytilia, Q Quail, R Robin, Robin-ChatRoller, Ruff, S Sandgrouse, Sandpiper, Scimitarbill, Scrub RobinShrike, SkimmerSnipeSparrowSparrowhawk, Spoonbill, Spurfowl, StarlingStork, Stilt, Stint, SugarbirdSunbirdSwallow, SwamphenSwift, T Tchagra, TealTern, Thick-kneeThrush, TinkerbirdTit, Tit-BabblerTuraco, Twinspot U V VultureW WagtailWarbler, WaxbillWeaverWheatearWhimbrel, White-eye, Whydah, WidowbirdWoodpecker, X Y ZCollection?

Afrikaanse groepe: A Aasvoel, Arend, B BlouvinkieBosbontrokkieBossanger, BreebekByvanger, Byvreter, C D Dikkop, Dobbertjie, Drawwertjie, Duif, Duiker, E Eend, Elsie, F Fisant, Flamink, Flap, FraaiingpootFregatvoelFret G Glasogie, Griet H Haan, Hamerkop, HeuningwyserHoephoep, Hoender, Horingvoel, Houtkapper, I Ibis, J JagraJanfrederikJakkalsvoel, K Kakelaar, Kalkoentjie, KapokvoelKanarieKatlagter, KleinjantjieKlopkloppieKoekoek, Koester, KolpensieKorhaan, Kiewiet, Kraai, KraanvoelKwartel, Kwevoel, KwekwevoelKwikkie, L LaksmanLangtoon, LangstertjieLepelaar, Lewerik, LoerieLyster, M Makou, Mees, Melba, MeeuMossieMuisvoel, N Nagtegaal, Naguil, Nikator O Ooievaar, P PapegaaiParkiet, PatrysPelikaan, Pikkewyn, PittaPou, Q R RenostervoelRietduiker, Riethaan, Rietreier, Reier, Ruiter, S Sandpatrys, Sanger, SnipSpekvreter, SpreeuSpringkaanvoel, Speg, Sperwer, Sterretjie, StrandkiewietStrandloper, StreepkoppieSuikerbekkie, SuikervoelSysieSwael, T Tarentaal, Tiptol, TinkerTinktinkie, TobieTroupant, TjeriktikU Uil, V VaalstreepkoppieValk, Volstruis, VinkVisvanger, Vlieevanger, Vleikuiken, Vuurvinkie W Wagter, Waterfiskaal, WaterhoenderWaterploeerWatertrapperWewerWielewaal, Wipstert, WouWulp, X Y Z 

Refining your search
Some keywords in the search bar may produce non-creature results. To eliminate those you can add a category/label control in the search bar. An example here is the word "eagle". This produces results for all items where the word "eagle" appears, even in accommodation names that contain the word "eagle". To search only for category/label birds add the following as an example "eagle label:Birds". Note that the first character after "label:" needs to be in capital letters.

Logging your sightings
You are welcome to log your sightings using the comment section. Add a picture to make your comment interesting. You can also add a link to your YouTube or Facebook video. Other people can then reply if they want. Once you place a comment, you can always edit it if you have made a mistake. Once there are replies against your comment your ability to edit your comment is locked. You will receive an email if a reply is made against your comment. You will be able to view all your comments in the system by clicking on your name, then selecting "My Comments".