Koms Kokerboom Kwekery (W Keimoes 12km)

If you come from Keimoes, turn west onto the R359 for about 8,6km. The turnoff will be on the right. Just be aware that the first (and older) signpost will take you to the "Koms Boerdery". Instead, travel westwards for another 400m. Here you will find the correct (and newer) signpost to the nursery, about 4km down the road. Just before the nursery, park under the tree. Marina (now almost 80) will usually meet you there.  

The nursery are under license from the Department of Environment and Nature Conservation. The nursery was established in 2005. The quiver trees range in all ages and sizes. They supply locally and international. They can arrange import/export documentation should it be required.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/komskokerbome/ eMail: bothmakokerbome@gmail.com Tel: 072 374 9432
Get authorization from Marina to visit the hill near the nursery where originally about 300 Quiver trees was relocated too.
The beautiful specimen is at the entrance
Quiver Tree information from the nursery:
Aloidendron dichotomum is a very distinctive tree and a conspicuous feature of the arid Namaqualand, North Western Cape and Southern Namibia.

It is an endemic species of the succulent and Nama Karoo biomes. It was first recorded by Simon van der Stel in search of the Copper mountains in 1685.

The tree can grow 3-9 meters high and can reach the age of 250 years. Lovely "custard" yellow flowers generally appear in the winter months, from May to August. The dichotomum is easily cultivated from seed and tolerates most climates, but not the severe Highveld frost.

The Quiver tree only needs to be watered once per week during the high summer period, but only once every 2-3 weeks during autumn and winter.

Quiver Tree Health
To ensure you have healthy Quiver Trees and Aloes, you can apply the following treatment to control pests:
Ants - Blue Death powder
Rust or Fungus - Funginex or Fungimite
Insects - Virikop
Red Spider - Methylated spirits
Aloe Cancer - 1 Cup water and 1 tablespoon Sunlight liquid diluted

Ander verwysings na Kokerbome:
Bome van ons streek - Die Kameeldoring, Witgat & Kokerboom